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Homeowners Insurance provides financial protection against disasters. A Standard Policy Insures The Home Itself And The Things You Keep In It. Homeowners Insurance Is A Package Policy. This Means That It Covers Both Damage To Your Property And Your Liability Or Legal Responsibility For Any Injuries And Property Damage You Or Members Of Your Family Cause To Other People. This Includes Bodily And Property Damage Caused By Household Pets. Damage Caused By Most Disasters Is Covered But There Are Exceptions. The Most Significant Are Damage Caused By Flood And Poor Maintenance. You Must Buy A Separate Policy For Flood Coverage. Maintenance-Related Problems Are The HomeownerHomeowners Insurance Provides Financial Protection Against Disasters. A Standard Policy Insures The Home Itself And The Things You Keep In It. Homeowners Insurance Is A Package Policy. This Means That It Covers Both Damage To Your Property And Your Liability Or Legal Responsibility For Any Injuries And Property Damage You Or Members Of Your Family Cause To Other People. This Includes Bodily And Property Damage Caused By Household Pets. Damage Caused By Most Disasters Is Covered But There Are Exceptions. The Most Significant Are Damage Caused By Flood And Poor Maintenance. You Must Buy A Separate Policy For Flood Coverage. Maintenance-Related Problems Are The Homeowners' Responsibility.

Auto insurance protects you against financial loss if you have an accident. It is a contract between you and the insurance company. You agree to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as defined in your policy. Auto insurance provides property, liability and medical coverage: Property coverage pays for damage to or theft of your car. Liability coverage pays for your legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage. Medical coverage pays for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses. An auto insurance policy is comprised of six different kinds of coverage. Florida requires some, but not all, of these coverages. If you're financing a car, your lender may also have requirements...

As a business owner, you need the same kinds of insurance coverages for the car you use in your business as you do for a car used for personal travel -- liability, collision and comprehensive, medical payments (known as personal injury protection in some states) and coverage for uninsured motorists. In fact, many business people use the same vehicle for both business and pleasure. If the vehicle is owned by the business, make sure the name of the business appears on the policy as the "principal insured" rather than your name. This will avoid possible confusion in the event that you need to file a claim or a claim is filed against you. Whether you need to buy a business auto insurance policy will depend on the kind of driving you do. A good insurance agent will ask you many details about how you use vehicles in your business, who will be driving them and whether employees, if you have them, are likely to be driving their own cars for your business. While the major coverages are the same, a business auto policy differs from a personal auto policy in many technical respects. Ask your insurance agent to explain all the differences and options.

As a business owner, you need the same kinds of insurance coverages for the car you use in your business as you do for a car used for personal travel -- liability, collision and comprehensive, medical payments (known as personal injury protection in some states) and coverage for uninsured motorists. In fact, many business people use the same vehicle for both business and pleasure. If the vehicle is owned by the business, make sure the name of the business appears on the policy as the "principal insured" rather than your name. This will avoid possible confusion in the event that you need to file a claim or a claim is filed against you. Whether you need to buy a business auto insurance policy will depend on the kind of driving you do. A good insurance agent will ask you many details about how you use vehicles in your business, who will be driving them and whether employees, if you have them, are likely to be driving their own cars for your business. While the major coverages are the same, a business auto policy differs from a personal auto policy in many technical respects. Ask your insurance agent to explain all the differences and options.

Floodwaters have the power to damage not only your home and sense of security, but also your financial future. How can you protect your most important investment in case of flooding? Option 1: Hope that you'll receive Federal disaster relief if a flood hits. Many people wrongly believe that the U.S. government will take care of all their financial needs if they suffer damage due to flooding. The truth is that Federal disaster assistance is only available if the President formally declares a disaster. Even if you do get disaster assistance, it's often a loan you have to repay, with interest, in addition to your mortgage loan that you still owe on the damaged property. Most importantly, you must consider the fact that if your home is flooded and disaster assistance isn't offered, you'll have to shoulder the massive damage costs alone. The bottom line is that if you're looking for secure protection from financial loss due to flood damage, Federal disaster assistance is not the answer. Option 2: Buy flood insurance and stay protected no matter what. When disaster strikes, flood insurance policyholder claims are paid even if a disaster is not Federally declared. Flood insurance means you'll be reimbursed for all your covered losses. And unlike Federal aid, it never has to be repaid. In general, a policy does not take effect until 30 days after you purchase flood insurance. So, if the weather forecast announces a flood alert for your area and you go to purchase coverage, it's already too late. You will not be insured if you buy a policy a few days before a flood.
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Jacksonville, FL 32206
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